EDUCATION TODAY Skip to main content



                                                          When we talk about education in this our modern world or day, we mean a whole lot and not just about learning and becoming something or someone great in the future but also the side effects, whether it may be positive or negative. If you go out and ask people what education is, you might probably get the same answer from everyone, at least 90% would agree on the same thing about how education is good for the society and in this modern world. They will elaborate on how education is the key to everything in this world including success and knowledge, which is very true, but in their case they are referring to school education but we need to understand that the acquisition of knowledge and skill is not necessarily acquired at school but also at home, in our communities, friends and even our culture. Knowledge can be acquired everywhere. For the remaining 10%, i would not know their answers but some would try to use the great inventors who were school dropouts(example: Thomas Edison, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs and etc), These few names i have mentioned were all school dropouts but they through their hard work, creativity and ideas were able to invent and achieve something great or dream(s) as we would call it in our world today. They will use this point i have made mention of to prove a point that school education is not necessarily the key to success or everything. Some would even push further by saying that school education does not allow us to improve our natural skill(God Given Talents) because it's mostly based on book knowlegde hence we are not able to explore these talents inside us. You can try this in your community and see the results you will get at the end.

                                               TYPES OF EDUCATION
Before we move to the types of education, i would like us to first understand the meaning of education, methods and the types of education.

With the rate at which development is taking place in our world today; education has taken many shapes and paths and by this i mean that it has improved a lot in terms of it's quality such as adult education, child education, health education, physical education and so on.

Education is the process of imparting or acquiring knowlege, skills and values through constructive studies or instructions. Education helps brings desirable changes in human activities hence bringing more new ideas to make this world a better place, education usually takes place under the guidance of educators(teachers, parents etc) but learners could at times learn and acquire knowlegde on their own.

On this part we are going to look at some methods of education.
*Story telling
*Educational movies

There are 3 types of education and they are

i)FORMAL EDUCATION: This is a well organized type of education normally delivered by well skilled and trained teachers in an institution or a building with formal recognized credentials such as school diploma or degree and it is often recognized by other institutions around the world.

ii)NON-FORMAL EDUCATION: This education includes various types of learning situations which may or may not include formal curriculum and certification. This type of education is led by a well qualified and experienced person(teacher or leader) which maybe well organized and structured. It helps build and improve the individuals's skills and capabilities as well as knowledge in that particular program or event. Examples of this education are; sport and fitness programs, professional conferences, boy scout or girls guide, swimming programs and so on.

iii)INFORMAL EDUCATION: This type of education does not require well structured buildings but experience from a person who guides or teaches you, it can be your parents, grand parents, friends and etc. There are no formal curriculum and credits earned and can sometimes be self directed or learning. An example is a father teaching his child how to read the alphabets.

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                                                                            I n my previous blog i made mention of the views of people about education and i elaborated of the fact that at least 90% of today's people would have a good opinion about education being the key to everything but actually referring to school education. I also talked about the remaining 10% making a point out of the great inventors who were school dropouts but were able to achieve something great and their opinion towards school education about it not helping us to realize or explore the God given talents in us.                                     W ell in my opinion, i stand for both parties because i think that everyone knows his/her abilities and capacities, maybe what may workout for me might not be working out for you or someone else. School education in this case has also played her part in the lives of people in our world today, even in the ancient days there was education and which we can r